2015 – Living for Change

“Living for Change” is a series of short-documentaries highlighting people who offer practical and exemplary answers to the most urgent challenges facing us today. In each episode we look at one person, get an impression of his or her work and create space for his or her visions, doubts, and insights.

First Episode – Alyn Ware with Peace and Nuclear Disarmament

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Mehr Informationen

The first portrait of the series of documentaries is devoted to the issues of peace and nuclear disarmament. These themes are highly relevant in regards to the recent conflict in the Ukraine and the deeply involved nuclear powers USA and Russia. Nevertheless, nuclear disarmament is often characterized by its slow pace and numerous fruitless conferences. In the long run, this subject, however, will loose little of its relevance. Despite the hardened fronts regarding nuclear abolition, there is still hope for a nuclear-weapons-free world thanks to the dedicated work of people such as the peace worker Alyn Ware.

Alyn vor der UNThe YFP has a long history and friendship with Alyn, which is why he instantly agreed to be the first person to be portrayed in our serial. Alyn is one of the most influential peace-workers. In 2009, the New Zealander received the Right Livelihood Award „…for his effective and creative advocacy and initiatives over two decades to further peace education and to rid the world of nuclear weapons.“ Besides his establishment of peace-education programs in New Zealand’s schools, his consulting of the New Zealand government and the UN, he was part of a campaign through which the abolition of nuclear weapons in New Zealand could be realized. Today he is the international coordinator of the network “Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament” (PNND), a councilor of the World Future Council and he is working at the Basel Peace Office. Various activities promoting peace, especially with young people, shape his everyday work.

For more information: http://www.rightlivelihood.org/ware.html

Who we are

Selfie Kai, Alyn, EvaWe started out with just two friends, Kai and Eva – and now a handful of dedicated people help us with their expertise by realizing the concept, editing, and marketing of “Living for Change”.

Kai is studying at the Hochschule für Fernsehen und Film in Munich to become a film director. He is the cinematic pillar of the project. Eva is one of the founding members of the Youth Future Project e.V.

Philine und KathaKai Kamera Brücke


Press folder download [13.2 MB]


The second episode is about to be made. Join our team if you´re interested in participating!

If you would like to support us financially, please make a transaction to the following account using “Living for Change” as the reference:

Youth Future Project e.V.
GLS Gemeinschaftsbank Bochum
IBAN: DE53430609674030959800

