Konflikte lösen – durch Sport und SpielYouth, peace and sport: Using sports and games to bridge conflicts and build peace

…mes trainer from New Zealand – soon to be based in the Basel Peace Office. Download Flyer: Basel Sports and Peace seminar May 24 latest For more information contact: chris@pnnd.org, +41 788 707 219 Workshop for youth hosted by the Basel Peace Office, Youth Future Project and Ban All Nukes Generation Inspiring examples of the use of sports to build peace and reconciliation, and overcome conflicts (especially amongst youth) in schools, local communi…

Lobbyismus im Umweltbereich

…Law. He is an expert for industrial economics and applied microeconomic research, competition and regulation in network industries (especially air transport, energy, and water), economic foundation of competition policy, lobbying and political economy. Read more…   Nnimmo Bassey Right Livelihood Award 2010 „…for revealing the full ecological and human horrors of oil production and for his inspired work to strengthen the environmental movement in…