Konflikte lösen – durch Sport und SpielYouth, peace and sport: Using sports and games to bridge conflicts and build peace

…r than reactive or inactive. Wilson Kipketer (Denmark) World record holder, 800 and 1000 meters (indoors), Spokesperson, Paix par le Sport (Peace and Sport) Roland Pavloski (University of Basel) Basketball Coach, Former coach of Star Wings Alyn Ware (New Zealand) Member, Peace and Sport New York marathon team, Right Livelihood Award 2009 Maren Kroeger (Geneva) UN Office on Sport for Development and Peace Henk Van Nieuwenhove (Belgium) (to be confi…

Lobbyismus im Umweltbereich

…ompare the different opinions, experience the controversy and search for a compromise or rather our own point of view. The participants become active and take part in creating the workshop! We try to find out how much truth there is in the information the different lobbies give us  by comparing and discussing recent topics like hydraulic fracturing or finding a waste disposal side for atomic waste. We might develop a toolkit, find advice and ways…

Das YFP bei der RLA Preisverleihung 2012 in StockholmDas YFP bei der RLA Preisverleihung 2012 in Stockholm

…one imagines a Scandinavian winter, Stockholm awaits us a Friday morning. Freezing but in good mood we (Svenja, Jonas and Lorenz) explore the old beautiful inner city „Gamla Stan“ and reach our fist destination: The RLA office. We bust into the last arrangements that are being made for the award ceremony which will take place this afternoon. Nevertheless Birigt Jaeckel found time to welcomes us warmly and to show us around the small but nice room…

Unser Verein wird HochseetüchtigReport from the YFP-future meeting 2012

…’t it be much easier and more convenient to have a weekend full of purpose questioning and community building beforehand? Gesagt getan: Wir begannen am Freitag Abend mit einem informellen Kennenlernen und einer reichhaltigen Kürbissuppe, um ab dem nächsten Morgen mit der Hilfe von den Ideen³-Moderatoren Anne, Dan-Felix und Felix die Frage nach dem Sinn unseres Projektes, nach unseren Grundwerten sowie nach unseren Visionen für das Projekt zu verti…